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For upgrading PS with 1-Click Upgrade module it's necessary to disable (or uninstall) all the third party module?
I'm trying to update from to the last version, but every time it stop at:
Database backup: 362 table(s) left...
[Ajax / Server Error for action backupDb] textStatus: "error " errorThrown:"Internal Server Error " jqXHR: "
The 1-click updater is listing one orange point at the checklist top of the screen : PrestaShop requirements are not satisfied. See details or ignore.
Details tells me nothing specific (general article about php/symfony versions). The site runs on PHP 7.3.27 (and is currently on Prestashop
Any pointers as to why this warning is shown ? Should I just ignore ?
php7.3 is a very good choice for PS and it should not be an issue for PS
Are you sure the php used by your shop is php 7.3 ? Sometimes two different versions of php are installed on same server so you think you are using php7.3 but actually are using another one.
If you are sure, you can ignore this warning.
There are indeed several version but the "informations" panel of prestashop's back office lists the correct one. The default command line php version might be different tho, which might mislead the module. I'll try to upgrade regardless. Thanks for the feedback.
A clearer indication of why the requirements check is failing in the module might help though.
The SITE MAINTENANCE problem has not been solved.
Any IP entered in Maintenance Mode reactivates the site for everyone.
Of course Mateus
1) Access the Site Maintenance panel
2) Set Enable Shop to: NO
3) Add only your IP among the exclusions
4) Save
5) Try from a device with a different IP than the one entered, the shop will be visible despite the maintenance mode being active.
6) Remove any IP from the exclusions. The site is no longer visible.
Thank you
We were unable to reproduce your issue. Could you please submit your problem on the link below ⬇ :
https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/new/choose. The GitHub platform is a better place to exchange code-related questions than in a comment section of the blog. We will be able to understand why you can reproduce it and we can't :)
Thanks in advance!
Upgrade form still not working
Serverdaten Linux #1 SMP Debian 4.19.160-2 (2020-11-28) x86_64
Version der Server-Software nginx/1.14.2
PHP-Version 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
Speichergrenze 2048M
max_execution_time 900
76 files left to upgrade.
All files upgraded. Now upgrading database...
[Ajax / Server Error for action upgradeDb] textStatus: "error " errorThrown:"Internal Server Error " jqXHR: "
500 Server Error
Oops, something went wrong.
Try to refresh this page or feel free to contact us if the problem persists.
Hello! The QA Team spent days testing the upgrade process in multiple conditions, but even if they did it for months, they would never be able to reproduce the thousand of different settings, environment and setups that PrestaShop users use.
We can make the upgrade process more robust if you can submit a bug report https://github.com/PrestaSh... where you describe your environment and your setup: php version, mysql version, ACL... If we can find what setting, what configuration item causes this issue we can strengthen the upgrade process.
That being said, if you are running PrestaShop with php7.3 ; it means you are not running a standard PrestaShop version because PS is not compatible with php7.3 . You are using a modified unofficial version of PrestaShop so we cannot guarantee the upgrade to 1.7.7 will work because your software is custom.
The error you mention indicates something went wrong on server side (see https://devdocs.prestashop.... ).
In order to find out what exactly went wrong, you need to check the upgrade process logs that are located into the folder {Prestashop_Folder}/{Admin_folder}/autoupgrade/tmp/ . There might be valuable informations in these logs, that will help you find what exactly happened in your environment.
For any upgrades issues or PrestaShop’s bugs, please submit them here:
is that fine for if i submit any theme brake issues ?
For any theme brake issues, you should contact your theme developer unless it is related to the classic theme, the PrestaShop native theme.